Saturday, November 29, 2008

Well, I realize that I haven't been on here, I'm so sorry!

Well, I might as well come out and say it before word gets around. I didn't make the music program at Belmont University-I made the university but not the music part. I just found out today when my mom called me. My heart broke into tiny shards. I mean I just started crying at a friends house and couldn't stop. I don't know even how to describe it-like reality hasn't even really set in. I'm so numb. I do know that God has a purpose for this. I don't know why this happened-but God has a plan. That's the only thing that is keeping me going and preventing me from telling myself that I'm a terrible musician and can't do anything right and am a failure. I know that everything will be ok in the end, and it's just not even close to the end yet.

Oh, and guess where I was for Thanksgiving away from my parents...Arkansas!!! Can you believe it? I was with my best friend and we were hangin out at her grandparents house where everyone was runnin around crazy. It's been such an interesting experience. I'm not used to really big families and all these kids around my age cause I mean I have 13 cousins total and none of them are my age! I'm stuck in the very middle between adults and kids. My friend has 32 first cousins just on her mom's side! 32!! And they're all about our age or younger. There were kids everywhere and there was ALWAYS something to do. Someone was always on the 4 wheeler or playing air soft (I got shot about 8 times it hurt!) or watchin movies or even wrestling with my friends older cousin who's this crazy guy named Maverick. All of us girls attacked him since he randomly sits on people (it happened to me a couple times) and squirms. I had so much fun, and I was actually bummed to be back home tonight. Well, that's all for now. I'll do better about writing, promise!